The National Engineering Register Australia (NERA) is a register of practising engineers that is maintained by Engineers Australia. The National Engineering Register (NER) was created by Engineers Australia to give professional engineers a platform to showcase their qualifications, works, skills, and expertise to the world. It is an integral part of the formal accreditation process for engineers and provides information to organisations on the qualifications, experience, and skills of suitably qualified engineers. By registering with NER, engineers can gain recognition from employers and clients. As a result, many experienced engineers are striving to write and maintain their position in NER Australia. It includes the engineering tasks you have worked on that demonstrate your key achievements. To achieve this, engineers will need to produce a Work Experience Statement without any plagiarism. Contact Us for a free consultation about this from our experts.
What is Work Experience for NER?
To begin the application process for NER registration, the applicant must demonstrate their abilities, liabilities, interests, and skills. The second step is to complete a CPD statement, which requires the applicant to have at least 150 hours of CPD. This can be done by attending seminars, conferences, or presenting papers, which will help the engineer stay up-to-date with developments in the field and aid them in adapting to their community. The third step is creating a Work Experience Statement, where the candidate can explain their capabilities to Engineers Australia.
How To Write NER Work Experience?
Understanding the guidelines published by Engineers Australia is essential when creating a work experience statement. But, many applicants do not possess the knowledge needed and can find framing difficult. If Engineers Australia finds any issues with your work experience statement, it can be hard to register in the NER Australia framework. Therefore, you have to make sure your statement is perfect to avoid rejection. Connecting with experienced professionals who can help create an outstanding NER work experience statement is recommended. How to Write CDR has a team of experienced writers who can guide you in constructing a successful NER statement.
To register with the NER Framework, you must have a valid qualification, current professional development, professional indemnity insurance, and a commitment to ethical practice.
What are the Requirements for NER Work Experiences Statement?
- The registrant should have relevant qualifications and experience
- Must maintain ethical behaviour and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) statement
- At least five years of experience in the past seven years
- PI insurance beneficiary
- Registration fee of AU$505 (regular applicants) and AU$335 (Engineers Australia members)
- Annual NER renewal fee of AU$97 (may vary slightly)
- NER registrant has completed an accredited four-year Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or has been assessed by Engineers Australia as having qualifications of a comparable standard and level
- The NER registrant must demonstrate five years of relevant work experience at the Professional Engineer level. (Exceptions apply)
- NER registrants must meet professional development requirements, which include 150 hours of relevant activities in the last three years of their career
- They must demonstrate the competencies required to be an independent practitioner such as ethical issues, practice competency, risk identification and management, safe and sustainable solutions, and local engineering knowledge
- NER registrations are renewed annually and provide the right to use the postnominal “NER” after their name
- Finally, registrants must abide by Engineers Australia’s Code of Ethics
Referee Details In Work Experience Statement
Provide two professional references or professional referees with engineering degrees and at least five years of experience in the field you work in. One must be from your current employer and the other either from a previous employer if your current job is under five years or from an outside mentor. Please include the title, name, organisation, job position, professional tie, landline number, mobile number, and email address. A statutory declaration could be needed to authenticate the info presented in your work experience statement for Australia. A professional referee must have known you for at least 12 months. The person submitting the declaration must affirm that the content in the statement is accurate and true to the best of their knowledge and belief.
Competence Self-Assessment Worksheet (optional)
You have the option to attach your Competence Self-Assessment Worksheet to your NER application. This worksheet evaluates your capability in four engineering areas: Commitment, Community Responsibility, Value in the Workplace, and Technical Expertise. When assessing yourself for each qualification, you can select ‘Developing’, ‘Functional’, or ‘Proficiency’. ‘Developing’ indicates you are still learning it with help from experienced people and possibly supervision. ‘Functional’ implies you can practise independently at an acceptable level without assistance or supervision. ‘Proficient’ suggests that your independent practice has been formally recognized by peers, and you can aid others in gaining competence. This worksheet is optional.